Organizzato dal CIES - Centro internazionale per gli studi sportivi, in collaborazione con tre università, la De Montfort University a Leicester (Inghilterra), la SDA Bocconi School of Management a Milano (Italia) e l'Università di Neuchâtel (Svizzera), il Master in Management FIFA , Law and Humanities of Sport è stato creato per promuovere l'educazione manageriale nel mondo dello sport. Master in Sports Management programs often include coursework, internships, research, and a masters thesis. Les formations proposées couvrent les 3 grands domaines : Marketing et évènementiel sportif - Commerce, distribution et retail des équipements sportifs - Gouvernance du sport et des organisations sportives. Therefore the objectives are to establish a sound expertise based on current research problems and to develop a scientific basis for decision-making in international sport management. MESGO – The Executive Master in Global Sport Governance 6TH MESGO EDITION – STARTING SEPTEMBER 2020 The Executive Master in Global Sport Governance (MESGO) is a unique programme designed for sports sector professionals wishing to master the complex dimensions and the diversity of international practices related to professional sport on an international level. This Master is built on the competencies of 2 leading schools in their respective fields: ECAM Lyon has an expertise in energy systems & technologies, and emlyon business school has a strong historical expertise in management The General Management Program (Master MAE), flagship degree of iaelyon School of Management, offers an overall vision of Business Administration and a set of skills in General Management to participants of various academic and professional backgrounds: engineers, doctors, lawyers etc. This 100% online master has the best professionals from every area of sports. The main emphasis lies on the development of strategic and leadership skills. Our Sport Event Management course is led by a team of teacher-researchers who are experts in the professional sports industry. Students graduating from this Master of Science typically pursue management careers at companies of different sizes, operating in various sectors at local or global levels. What does being a Manager in the Sport Industry nowadays mean? INSEEC International provides the opportunity to study many programs. emlyon business school is a leading international and European business school in France, Europe. This master degree program has been developed as a management degree in the synergetic areas of sports, culture as well as event management with a strong international focus. Les programmes d’INSEEC SPORT sont présents à Paris, Lyon… 57 vocational bachelor's degrees prepare students for middle management jobs. The Master of Business (Sport Management) is typically 8, 12 or 16 credit points. The exact number of credit points you study depends on how much credit you receive as recognition of prior learning (RPL) – your professional experience and previous qualifications – which can save you time and money. Il Sistema di Gestione per la Qualità della Scuola dello Sport è conforme ai requisiti della Norma UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 How can you get there and how can you be sure you have all you need to succeed? is a world leader in sports management, as evidenced by its commitment to continuous innovation in all areas of sports management: facilities, marketing, new media, etc. emlyon business school, a international business school in Europe. Your career options with a degree in Sport & Event Management. Sport Management is a highly research oriented degree program emphasizing an international perspective. The master’s degree in Sport Management is designed to prepare you for leadership roles in the sport industry. These recognised industry professionals share their own first-hand experience with students to help them acquire the knowledge and skills they’ll need to differentiate themselves in the labour market. Sport vise à donner une vision globale du secteur et à préparer les futurs professionnels à tous les métiers du marché du sport. Master / Digital Law and Management; Master / International Business Administration; Master / International Supply Chain Management As demand grows for sport management graduates with relevant expertise, skills and knowledge of the sector, our Master’s degree aims to prepare you to be a professional sport management practitioner, with the theoretical knowledge, skills and personal attributes to become a leader in your chosen sport sector. The Real Madrid C.F. Lyon 1's science and technology sector also offers a vast choice of subjects: the DUT diploma provides training in 17 areas of expertise for future technical managers. INSEEC U. Antoine Haincourt - Head of the MSc in Sports Industry Management - Expert Associate A specialist in branding & strategy, Antoine has been teaching in the Master of Science in Sports Industry Management for several years. MASTER DI I LIVELLO. The M.Sc. MASTER 1ÈRE ANNÉE A l’issue de la première année de Master Mention Management du sport, des débouchés professionnels existent dans les 3 secteurs de professionnalisation qui font l’objet de spécialisations (Industrie et Distribution des Articles de Sport (IDAS), Clubs Amateurs et Professionnels (CAP), et Tourisme et Loisirs Sportifs (TLS)). Study in Europe with INSEEC U.,the leader in French Private Higher Education. The Master of Sport Management provides a significant overview of the sport industry, and is designed to develop critical, interpretive and problem-solving skills relevant to that sector. The Master in Management is designed to develop the skills needed to analyse complex strategic and operational management issues within a global context. Our M.Ed. industry with a master’s degree in Sport Management. Our program is closely connected to UT’s Athletic Department, which is recognized as one of the In the thesis track, students learn more about the research process and focus in-depth on a particular topic about the sport industry. You can choose between a thesis track and a non-thesis track. This two-year, full-time general management Master programme provides the opportunity to study in up to four countries, with options ranging from ESCP's own six European campuses to our more than 120 partners worldwide. Bachelor Global Business Development; Master in Management. L’ESAM est l’école de management, de finance et de droit du Groupe IGS implantée à Paris et à Lyon. The program is entirely taught in English by academic and field experts from around the world. Students often have the opportunity to focus on a specific area within the sports management industry, such as sports marketing, sports development and policy, and management and organization of sport events. program encourages students to gain practical industry experience through dynamic coursework and internships. From football to fashion, concerts to trade fairs – live events shape the world and are of huge economic importance. Job opportunities may be at small and medium enterprises (SMEs), consultancy firms, venture capitalist firms, entrepreneurial activities and companies operating in symbol-intensive markets. legislation relating to criminal and civil liability for injuries and the duties of managers, civil rights of athletes in selection and disciplinary procedures, human rights issues). Program dedicated to operational managers: new managers, transversal managers (projects mode), future manager. This Top ranked French school of management proposes international programmes, MBA, Masters and executive education. INSEEC SPORT est la grande école de management du sport du groupe INSEEC U. Les programmes sont conçus pour donner aux futurs professionnels une vision globale du secteur et les préparer à tous les métiers du marché du sport. All about this master, MANAGEMENT DU SPORT Groupe ISCAE, ranked n°17 at Eduniversal Bests Masters Ranking Dipendenze Comportamentali e addictions nella società attuale; L’Ostetrica/o specialista nella Family Centered Care; Internazionale in Infermieristica di Famiglia e di Comunità – gratuito (finanziamento Interreg Italia-Svizzera); Management per funzioni di coordinamento delle professioni sanitarie APA 5307 Legal Issues and Risk Management in Sport (3 units) Study of legal aspects of sport including an introduction to law and the Canadian constitution (e.g. The course develops advanced skill sets needed for managers to operate in the sport industry. Executive Master General Management Program in France to develop the skills required to work as executive officers and consolidate your business expertise. Elle a pour vocation de former des responsables financiers, des managers, des entrepreneurs et des décideurs d’envergure internationale capables d’appréhender des environnements de plus en plus complexes ainsi que de contribuer à la croissance d’un marché mondialisé. Bachelor, Master in Management, Master of Science… from undergraduate to graduate, discover the training offered by ESDES Lyon Business School. The International BusinessRealities Program (Master's degree) aims to enlighten students on international challenges by providing them with global and cross-cutting insights into various management situations within a multicultural context.
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