Ejusdem Generis is a Latin term which means of the same kind or nature. Talk:ejusdem generis. ‘the general word shall not extend in its effect beyond subjects ejusdem generis’. Le principe d'interprétation ejusdem generis, selon lequel des exemples précis limitent la catégorie décrite à des éléments du même ordre, devrait être appliqué dans la présente situation. ejusdem generis rule. Definition and Description of Ejusdem Generis Principle. Ejusdem generis is an interpretive guide according to which “the meaning of a word in a series of words is determined by the company it keeps.” 242-44 E. The Ejusdem Generis rule does not apply to the interpretation of these Articles. Eiusdem generis means “of the same kind or nature” and this may be relied upon in contract interpretation where there is a list of specific items followed by a wider description (note: never the reverse order). Ejusdem Generis Definition [from the Latin “of the same kind”] A rule of statutory interpretation that requires general terms, when following a specific list of words or things, be read to be similar to those specific words or things. (Lat.) definition of “state” i.e. stemming. The interpretation of statutes is the main applications of the ejusdem generic rule. Black's Law Dictionary 556 (8th ed.2004). Full Definition of Ejusdem Generis. Definition in the dictionary English. noscitur a sociis: …definition, because parliament's intention was referring to a case or container of the same strength as a canister. This rule provides that where there are general words following an enumeration of particular or specific words, the general words must be confined to things of the same kind as those specified. 2 terminé. what bodies or authorities come under the purview of the government and can be termed as organs of the state. Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache. Definition of Ejusdem Generis. Synonyme und Grammatik von 'ejusdem mensis' auf Duden online nachschlagen. ejusdem generis \ Prononciation ? Applying the ejusdem generis rule provides a much more sensible interpretation of the … Many translated example sentences containing "ejusdem generis" – English-French dictionary and search engine for English translations. Where a law lists specific classes of persons or things and then refers to them in general, the general statements only apply to … Ejusdem Generis is Latin for “of a similar kind.” When a law records classes of people or things, this idea is utilized to explain such top-notch. 11. 10. A Latin phrase meaning “of the same kind”. It will be disregarded if to apply it would contravene that intent. A rule of construction applicable where particular words are followed by general words ; the general words are limited to the same kind as the particular words. Meaning of Ejusdem generis. Latin for "of the same kind. " Apprendre la définition de 'ejusdem generis'. When a law list group of persons or things, ejusdem generis is used to clarify such list. Generis Doesn’t Apply. ejusdem generis translation in German - English Reverso dictionary, see also 'EU',Endsumme',Eisbude',Ende', examples, definition, conjugation Merriam-Webster, Incorporated. Ejusdem Generis Meaning of Ejusdem Generis (Latin Term) The following is an old definition of Ejusdem Generis (latin term) [1]: Of the same kind or nature; of the same class. Related Rules . Dictionnaire Français Définition. Definition. The principles of ejusdem generis and expressio unius apply. Synonyme définition. Where a law lists specific classes of persons or things and then refers to them in general, the general statements only apply to the same kind of persons or things specifically listed. Where a law lists specific classes of persons or things and then refers to them in general, the general statements only apply to the same kind of persons or things specifically listed. (eh-youse-dem generous) v adj. The term ejusdem generis is a facet of Nositur a Sociis. The rule is used to interpret where a law lists specific classes, and then refers it to general application which pertains to the same kind of persons or things. Ejusdem generic is used to interpret loosely written statutes. Parcourez les exemples d'utilisation de 'ejusdem generis' dans le grand corpus de français. The advantage of this approach is that it would provide an element of ejusdem generis, like current alternative (a). The rule requires that where in a statute there are general words following particular and specific words, the general words must be confined to things of the same kind as those specifically mentioned. Prononciation de ejusdem generis à 1 prononciation audio, et de plus pour ejusdem generis. What does ejusdem expression mean? Latin for "of the same kind," used to interpret loosely written statutes. This rule ensures that general terms are read in context with more specific ones. Un synonyme se dit d'un mot qui a la même signification qu'un autre mot, ou une signification presque semblable. 4 Arguments with little or no effect on interpretation. A canon of construction holding that when a general term follows a list of particular terms, the general term only applies to things similar to the particular terms. The second disfavored rule of interpretation is known by the Latin name . [Latin “of the same kind or class”] A canon of construction that… NOSCITUR A SOCIIS noscitur a sociis (nos-[schwa]-t[schwa]r ay [or ah] soh-shee-is). Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache. Learn the definition of 'ejusdem generis rule'. In AmarchandraChakraborty v. Collector of Excise, Govt. ejusdem phrase. This appears to be a case where it is appropriate to use the ejusdem generis rule or limited class rule, as an interpretative aid. Ejusdem Generis ejusdem generis adj [Latin]: of the same kind or class [was ejusdem generis with the other items listed] Source: Merriam-Webster's Dictionary of Law ©1996. However, some clari-fication may be achieved by adherence to the following outline: I. : a rule of construction: general words (as in a statute) that follow specific words in a list must be construed as referring only to the types of things identified by the specific words. Keeping these two propositions in mind, we shall now discuss those cases in which the Missouri courts have made use of the ejusdem generis rule. 9. 1. a rule used in statutory interpretation that allows judges to interpret a group of words in a law or other text in a way that is less general than their meaning in everyday speech. [Latin “of the same kind or class”] A canon of construction that when a general word or phrase follows a list of specifics, the general word or phrase will be interpreted to include only items of the same type as those listed. Ejusdem. Here’s how Scalia and Garner express it: Where general words follow an enumeration of two or more things, they apply only to persons or things of the same general kind or class. CASES . Définitions de ejusdem generis, synonymes, antonymes, dérivés de ejusdem generis, dictionnaire analogique de ejusdem generis (anglais) Comment dire ejusdem generis en Latine? Lorsqu’on utilise des synonymes, la phrase ne change pas de sens. ‘matters ejusdem generis’. ejusdem generis Definitions. ‘Things of the same meta’. clear definition of the ejusdem generis rule, and at the same time points out that the doctrine is only to be used as an aid in ascer-taining legislative intent. The aforesaid principle means that the general words following certain specific words would take colour from the specific words. 1 définitivement fixé, déterminé. The Statute must contains enumeration of specific words. . Consulter aussi: en règle, en règle générale, être de règle, régler. Distributive phrasing applies each expression to its appropriate referent (reddendo singula singulis). Vérifiez la prononciation, les synonymes et la grammaire. Rechtschreibung. Usage des synonymes. Legal definition of ejusdem generis rule: a rule of construction: general words (as in a statute) that follow specific words in a list must be construed as referring only to the types of things identified by the specific words. Section 61 Law of Property Act 1925 presumptions. Where general words follow an enumeration of two or more things, they apply only to persons or things of the same general kind or class specifically mentioned (ejusdem generis). Selon la règle de ejusdem generis, lorsqu'une loi énumère plusieurs catégories de personnes ou de choses et qu'immédiatement après cette énumération, la disposition fait mention d'«autres» personnes ou choses, le mot «autres»doit être interprété comme … Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. II. Ejusdem generic is used to interpret loosely written statutes . When a law list group of persons or things, ejusdem generis is used to clarify such list. Cette locution s'emploie dans le domaine juridique, notamment en common law , pour indiquer qu'une liste non-limitative ne s'applique toutefois qu'aux choses du même genre. Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache. Definition of ejusdem in the Idioms Dictionary. The word “ejusdem generis” means “of the same kind or nature”. Denoting a principle for interpreting legal texts that assumes that, if there is a general term accompanying a list of specific terms, then the general term is restricted to things of the same character as the specific terms. Ejusdem Generis Law and Legal Definition. phrase. \ invariable ( Droit ) En droit anglo-saxon , indique qu’une liste non limitative s’applique aussi aux choses similaires , mais pas plus. Se dit plaisamment de gens ou de choses ayant les mêmes vices, les mêmes défauts, etc. for example, in the list "sun, moon, and other large objects", the phrase "other large objects" only includes celestial bodies, not houses and elephants. Courts use ejusdem generis in conjunction with common sense and legislative history to discern the … Ejusdem Generis: his case is about the doctrine of "Ejusdem Generis" which in Latin means 'of the same kind'[1]. clause ejusdem generis . of Tripura, AIR1972 SC1863, the court laid down the following five conditions for the application of this rule: 1. Ejusdem Generis From Latin, literally "of the same kind," a legal rule of construction holding that general words following specific words in a list must be construed as applying only to things similar to or identified by the specific words translation and definition "clause ejusdem generis", English-French Dictionary online. for example, in the list "sun, moon, and other large objects", the phrase "other large objects" only includes celestial bodies, not houses and elephants. The functions of the Audit Committee and the Standards Committee do not fall within that descriptor. It is also known with the name of Genus-species Rule of the language construction. L. Rep. 101 at pp. The golden rule is a modification of the literal rule and is used when the literal interpretation of words would lead to a ‘manifest absurdity’ The ejusdem generis rule can be applied where general words following specific words set out in a list are found. Related Content. In other words, in a reference to . Difference between Ejusdem generis and Noscitur a sociis Ejusdem generis The meaning of ‘Ejusdem Generis’ is ‘of the same kind’. Ejusdem generis is, thus, generally used with caution. 2.1 Definition of Ejusdem Generis ; Ejusdem Generis and the Golden Rule in the context of Statutory Interpretation. Latin for “of the same kind,” used to interpret loosely written statutes. Therefore, it is rather difficult to discuss the problem in accord-ance with any symmetrical arrangement. “ [a] general word or phrase [that] follows a list of specifics ... will be interpreted to include only items of the same type as those listed.”. It is an ancient doctrine commonly called Lord Tenterdon’s Rule. DEFINITIONS 1. clause ejusdem generis. Synonymes et Antonymes servent à: Precedent cases: limited value. Synonyme und Grammatik von 'ejusdem mensis' auf Duden online nachschlagen. Published under license with Merriam-Webster, Incorporated. A rule of construction applicable where particular words are followed by general words ; the general words are limited to the same kind as the particular words. In statutory construction, the "ejusdem generis rule" is that where general words follow an enumeration of persons or things, by words o For example, in the list "sun, moon, and other large objects", the phrase "other large objects" only … Ejusdem Generis “Ejusdem Generis” in Maritime Law. Definition. used to interpret loosely written statutes. A canon of construction holding that when a general term follows a list of particular terms, the general term only applies to things similar to the particular terms. Article 12: Definition: ... AIR 1954 Mad.67 case, the Court held that ‘other authorities’ could only indicate authorities of like nature, i.e., ejusdem generis. La Chaire de rédaction juridique Louis-Philippe-Pigeon vous propose une capsule d’information sur la règle ejusdem generis.Vous y trouverez une brève définition de ce procédé d’interprétation des lois, des arrêts de principe, des exemples récents d’application jurisprudentielle et des références à la doctrine. Ejusdem Generis is Latin for “of a similar kind.” When a law records classes of people or things, this idea is utilized to explain such top-notch. used to interpret loosely written statutes. Ejusdem generis (du même genre) Sceau du FBI . Synonyme und Grammatik von 'ejusdem mensis' auf Duden online nachschlagen. ‘Glidewell LJ, in a judgment with which Cresswell J agreed, applied the ejusdem generis rule to the construction of s.141 [and then he cites from that].’ ‘He had based his ruling upon the absence of any reference to ‘public authority’ in the Coal Industry Nationalisation Act 1946 and the application of the ejusdem generis rule.’’ What is Ejusdem generis rule? Coordinate terms ejusdem generis expressio unius est exclusio…. It cannot include persons, natural or juristic. Rechtschreibung. ejusdem generis. Applying ejusdem generis to the definition of "local board", we are satisfied that the general language at the end of the definition does not include entities which cannot be said to carry on the operations of the municipality. noun countable legal. Ejusdem generis (eh-youse-dem generous) adj. ejusdem generis Definitions. ? Distributive-Phrasing Canon. Ejusdem Generis Canon. infosource.gc.ca. ejusdem generis rule Definitions and Synonyms. What does ejusdem expression mean? Les synonymes sont des mots différents qui veulent dire la même chose. Definition and description of the ejusdem generis doctrine. ejusdem generis. For example, in the list "sun, moon, and other large objects", the phrase "other large objects" only … Ejusdem Generis Law and Legal Definition . Black’s Law Dictionary (8th Edition) also gave the same definition. Cela semble être un cas auquel il convient d'appliquer la règle ejusdem generis, aussi appelée "règle des choses du même ordre", pour nous aider à interpréter ces termes. EJUSDEM GENERIS: MEANING AND DEFINITION. 1 Of the same kind. Example sentences with "clause ejusdem generis", translation memory. ejusdem generis rule. II. ejusdem generis rule a rule of interpretation applying to legal writings and statutes stating that a list of things should be read as the one genus and the items as a species: applying the rule to ‘pansy, dandelion, daisy or others’, then ‘others’ would have to be a flower and could not be a horse. Talk:ejusdem generis. Prefatory-Materials Canon. Ejusdem Generis means of the same kind or nature. 5 qui a ses règles, ses menstrues. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. It is also one of the cardinal canons of construction that no statute can be interpreted in such a way as to render a part of it otiose. 3 rayé (papier réglé) 4 vieilli soumis à une règle. See Attorney-General v. Brown Browse You might be interested in these […] Negotiations: limited relevance. Definition of Ejusdem Generis Of the same kind or nature. More example sentences. ejusdem generis. Ejusdem farinae (de la même farine) est une expression qui désigne de manière péjorative les personnes ou les choses qui présentent les mêmes défauts. 106-107, 109-110, 113-114. ‘There are various possibilities: that they are to be construed eiusdem generis.’. Ejusdem or Eiusdem Generis Definition: Of the same kind or nature. Definition. ejusdem generis (eh-youse-dem generous) adj. 12. When the language of a statute may not be clear in its scope, ejusdem generis in effect presumes what the legislature intended by a general word from its use of more specific words. Deleted text: treat with care . A rule of interpretation that where a class of things is followed by general wording that is not itself expansive, the general wording is usually restricted things of the same type as the listed items. Introduction. En d'autres termes, Monsieur le juge Branca appliquait la règle d'interprétation ejusdem generis. Same approach in law and equity. Copy to clipboard; Details / edit; Termium . In the construction of laws, wills, and other instruments, when certain things are enumerated, and then a phrase is used which might be construed to include other things, it is generally confined to things ejusdem generis. Legal definition for EJUSDEM GENERIS: Of the same kind, class, or nature. This is because its use is governed by a fundamental rule that statutory language must be read so as to carry out the intent of the legislature. It’s a rule in respect to use or interpretation of general words. Concept of Ejusdem Generis Rule A definition of Ejusdem Generis Rule may be the following: A rule of construction, that general words following an enumeration of particulars, are to have their generality limited by reference to the preceding particular enumeration (The Dictionary of English […] To read this full article you must be a subscriber: « Pourriez-vous me dire si … The ejusdem generis rule will limit “other document” to documents like wills and codicils and will resist inclusion of other documents surrounding death, such as a death certificate. Ejusdem Generis. Definition of Ejusdem Generis Of the same kind or nature. 48 at pp. /ˌeɪjʊsdem ˈdʒenərɪs ˌruːl/. “ [a] general word or phrase [that] follows a list of specifics ... will be interpreted to include only items of the same type as those listed.”. The following is a definition of “Ejusdem Generis”, produced by Tetley, in the context of admiralty law: “of the same kind”.See Foscolo Mango v. Stag Line [1931] 2 K.B. Les principes ejusdem generis et expressio unius s'appliquent. ejusdem generis. a canon of construction holding that when a general term follows a list of particular terms, the general term only applies to things similar to the particular terms. The court, in this case, applied the principle of ejusdem generis to interpret the ‘other act’ under section 7 of the POCSO Act and held that ‘holding hands’ is an act of different nature than those mentioned in section 7, hence it is not included under the definition of sexual assault, but it has not given any reason for its finding. In other words, Branca J.A. Thus, “clerical or other defects” includes only formal defects (40 Barb. Click to listen to the pronunciation of ejusdem generis rule. ejusdem generis. l'appui de son argumentation, l'État espagnol a invoqué la règle d'interpréta tion ejusdem generis selo n laquelle, lorsqu'un terme ou une expression générique suit une liste précise de personnes ou de choses, ce terme ou cette expression désigne … adjective. General words at the end of a list (the ejusdem generis rule) Headings. From Latin, literally "of the same kind," a legal rule of construction holding that general words following specific words in a list must be construed as applying only to things similar to … 57-59, 65-68, 72-76, (1931) 39 Ll. Browse the use examples 'ejusdem generis rule' in the great English corpus. Rechtschreibung. ejusdem generis as an aid in the interpretation of statutes. ejusdem generis. ( law) A canon of construction holding that when a general term follows a list of particular terms, the general term only applies to things similar to the particular terms. For example, in the list "sun, moon, and other large objects", the phrase "other large objects" only includes celestial bodies, not houses and elephants. On trouve également l'expression ejusdem furfuris (« du même son »), qui a la même signification. a canon of construction holding that when a general term follows a list of particular terms, the general term only applies to things similar to the particular terms. Latin term for “of the same kind or nature.”. This has led to a lot of debate and has been shaped by various interpretations by using the doctrine of Ejusdem Generis. Such as a university unless it is ‘maintained by the State’. Adams, 532 U.S. 105 (2001), the Supreme Court defined ejusdem generis as a situation in which "general words follow specific words in a statutory enumeration, the general words are construed to embrace only objects similar in nature to those objects enumerated by the preceding specific words." Check out the pronunciation, synonyms and grammar. applied the ejusdem generis rule. Browse the use examples 'ejusdem generis rule' in the great English corpus. Learn the definition of 'ejusdem generis rule'. EJUSDEM GENERIS ejusdem generis (ee-j[schwa]s-d[schwa]m jen-[schwa]-ris also ee-joos- or ee-yoos-). ejusdem generis: ejusdem generis (English) Origin & history From Latin ejusdem‎ generis‎. 2. EJUSDEM GENERIS: MEANING AND DEFINITION. Black's Law Dictionary 556 (8th ed.2004). The definitions of the words should be clear in this rule, and only one interpretation can be deduced. It is generally used in courts for deciding or classification of entities or bodies that come under a specific definition. This is a facet of the principle of Noscitur a Sociis. Market practice: evidence needed. phrase. The dissent in Adams, however, stated that when there are good reasons not to abide by ejusdem generis, then a court will set aside its use. Further, the Supreme Court stated in N. & W. Ry. v. Train Dispatchers, 499 U.S. 117 (1991) that ejusdem generis does not apply "when the whole context dictates a different conclusion." Dictionnaire Collaboratif Français Définition. ejusdem generis (ee-j[schwa]s-d[schwa]m jen-[schwa]-ris also ee-joos- or ee-yoos-). add example. Ejusdem generis is a Latin phrase that roughly translates as “of the same kind, class, or nature.” Its use is similar to that of noscitur a sociis, 1 in that it usually involves a list of terms, but in this case one that ends in a catch-all category . Limits of Ejusdem Generis Latin for "of the same kind. " Ejusdem generis (eh-youse-dem generous) adj. Definitions (US, law) A rule that, in the case of a general term following one or more particular terms, the general term only apply to the type of thing specified in the particular. ejusdem generis translation in English - French Reverso dictionary, see also 'elude',exude',EU',esteem', examples, definition, conjugation It is a principle of interpreting statutes which states that a general word should be interpreted in the context of specific words used in the same legislation. The court, in this case, applied the principle of ejusdem generis to interpret the ‘other act’ under section 7 of the POCSO Act and held that ‘holding hands’ is an act of different nature than those mentioned in section 7, hence it is not included under the definition of sexual assault, but it has not given any reason for its finding. Ejusdem Generis is a Latin term which means of the same kind or nature. Check out the pronunciation, synonyms and grammar. A rule of interpretation that where a class of things is followed by general wording that is not itself expansive, the general wording is usually restricted things of the same type as the listed items. Alert. Application of the doctrine of ejusdem generis to argue that the The legislative history of the McCarran Amendment: an effort to determine whether Congress intended for state court jurisdiction to extend to Indian reserved water rights noscitur a … So construed it could only mean authorities exercising governmental or sovereign functions. A principle of Statutory interpretation that guides the interpretation of passages like ‘tents, caravans and similar dwellings’. Law. Traduction de ejusdem generis dans le dictionnaire français-anglais et dictionnaire analogique bilingue - Traduction en 37 langues Of the same kind. See Attorney-General v. Brown Browse You might be interested in these […] To read this full article you must be a subscriber: Already have an account? Translation of "ejusdem generis" in French. For example, ‘cats, dogs, and other pets’ probably excludes lions (as not being pets), … Ejusdem or Eiusdem Generis Definition: Of the same kind or nature.
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